Flower Shops Salisbury NC
Salisbury NC Press
Flower Shop Burglarized Overnight in Salisbury
Aug 18, 2018The rear door of City Florist was damaged during Thursday night's burglary. (Credit: WBOC)
SALISBURY, Md.- The Wicomico County Sheriff's Office is investigating an overnight burglary that happened at a well-known florist shop in Salisbury.
According to detectives, City Florist, located at 1408 S Salisbury Blvd, was burglarized sometime Thursday night. Deputies said they are trying to figure out the time that it happened.
When WBOC caught up with detectives early Friday morning, they said they were investigating "a few odd things" on the scene that could not be disclosed until the investigation is complete.
The shop's owner, Jim Gray, told WBOC he noticed the back door to his shop slightly opened and damaged when he arrived to work at 7 a.m. He said the person(s) stole his cash register and an undisclosed amount of money in it.
Gray said nothing else was taken.
He said he feels used and abused.
"It's like if you really needed the money, come ask me and I'll give you a hundred bucks," Gray said."But, don't be busting up on my doors."
"I work hard, we all work hard, and to ha... http://www.wboc.com/story/29788524/florist-shop-burglarized-overnight-in-salisbury
Flowers for 3 collision victims placed at 'dangerous' Salisbury intersection
Apr 22, 2018Funerals for three victims of a car crash near Salisbury this week are being held on Saturday and Monday.Flowers lie near the intersection where Alesha Anne Young and her son were killed.Eighteen-year-old Mary Teyanna Dawn Brideau was also killed in the crash. All three victims were travelling in the same car when it collided with a pick up truck on Monday evening.A 24-year-old man and three-year-old boy are still in hospital being treated for their life-threatening injuries.Police are still investigating the cause of the collision.There has been a public outcry for a speed limit reduction at the intersection, which has been described as dangerous. http://globalnews.ca/news/2627206/flowers-for-3-collision-victims-placed-at-dangerous-salisbury-intersection/
The unusual stories behind England's chalk hill figures
Jan 8, 2018David Page/Alamy
The Folkestone White Horse, Kent
Have you seen the kiwi?”
I was on Salisbury Plain, southern England, walking dogs with Neil, a local wildlife expert. We’d been talking about wild flowers and butterflies in the area, so the sudden mention of a bird indigenous to a country on the other side of the planet was jarring. My confusion was exacerbated by the fact that I knew Neil had been involved with the reintroduction of great bustards on the plain (the heaviest flying bird in the world, apparently). He had told me earlier how all the helpers had to wear great bustard suits when feeding the chicks so that the young birds didn’t associate food with human beings. The volunteers on the project had to promise not to take pictures of each other in the suits because there were concerns the unscrupulous might post the pictures online, thus inflicting a lifetime of ridicule on the helper in question. But kiwis and great bustards? Could Neil have his birds mixed up? It seemed unlikely.
“The chalk kiwi. On the hill.”
©Shane Wilkinson
The Bulford Kiwi in Wiltshire
I could now see Neil was pointing towards a faint white blob ... http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/2791c27e-a4e8-11e5-a91e-162b86790c58.html