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REVIEW: Royal Oak – Columbia Road, London
Dec 30, 2018Photo: Gareth Johnson
Gay Star News reviews The Royal Oak – Columbia Road, London
It was about ten years ago that the Royal Oak on Columbia Road was transformed into the quintessential gastropub that you will find today.
Before that this was one of those strange pubs that seemed to be open all night and attracted the East London alternative crowd before the rest of the world realised how cool and weird they really were. There was a time when you would be up early to get your flowers and you’d think nothing of stepping over the happy but wasted punters who were stumbling out of the Royal Oak into the cold hard light of a Sunday morning. Those days are gone.
These days if you’re heading to the flower market on a Sunday, chances are you’ll end up in the Royal Oak at some stage for a quick pint, to catch up with friends, or if you’re lucky enough to snag a table then you can enjoy their Sunday roasts for lunch – pretty spectacular.
A great pub in the middle of one of London’s most popular markets.
Gay Star News reviews The Royal Oak ... http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/review-royal-oak-columbia-road-london/